Thursday, 14 May 2015

Keeping the kittens warm

After making my Granny A Day Blanket, I still had some small oddments leftover with no idea of what to use it for.
I was reluctant to just throw them away so I was thrilled to be able to use the to help our local RSPCA Shelter.
At first I was thinking along the lines of blankets for the dogs, but the staff told me the kittens were desperate. So that made my mind up. Kitty blankets it is!

 I wound all of my odd bits of yarn, mostly Acrylic, into one huge ball and just crocheted away. 
Each blanket is crocheted using the granny stitch and is 20 rounds.

Here's the first one off the needle.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Cables and Twists

One of the things I had always wanted to try was to knit cables. So when my OH said he wanted a Cabled cardigan making I took up the challenge, and boy! what a challenge it was!

I looked for days for a simple pattern and soon realised there was nothing simple about knitting cables. I wouldn't be beaten though and OH picked this design NorthShore out of around 5 I had found in books, on the internet and looking through all of my many magazines.

I decided to make my life easier by keeping the back and sleeves plain and simple and just concetrate (as best I could) on using the cable pattern for the front.

This back piece was knitted in a simple Knit 2 Purl 2 rib. But keeping with the plain garter stitch panel on the side which is what the pattern called for.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Starting my crocheting adventure

For many years I have admired the talents of Crocheters. How they can make something so beautiful with just one hook. 
So I decided that instead of admiring I should learn how to Crochet myself.

I could do a basic Granny Square so looking at my ever growing wool stash, I decided that by using the odd bits I had from finished knitting projects I would make a blanket.
This way I could learn how to use the hook, how to practice my tension and also learn different stitches.

I began my Granny A Day Project. Just by crocheting a simple granny square every day would only take a few minutes, and I could concentrate on what I was doing.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

St Georges Day April 26th 2015

First of all apologies for the lack of Silent Sunday last week. But as you continue to read below, You'll see why :)

Sunday was spent in a little village near Coalville, Leicestershire called Ravenstone.
My eldest saw it advertised a few weeks ago and I was really looking forward to it.
I'd never been to this village before so didn't know what to expect and although the weather forecasted cloudy and cool, in turned in to the most beautiful sunny day.
By the time we arrived the sun came out behind the clouds and never went back in again for the whole afternoon.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Returning to the land of all things woolly

In 2009 I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after being ill for many months with numerous colds and viruses.
As someone who has always been busy I found it very hard to just sit and relax, which is what the Dr ordered me to do.

Being constantly physically and mentally tired, but finding something to fight the boredom I decided to try my hand at knitting again.
I had knitted for both of my daughters before and after they were born, I had knitted baby clothes and blankets for all of my friends and their babies so I knew the basics.

My mind was set when I saw this cute pig *pattern in a magazine my other half bought home for me..
 photo peppa_pig_zps3iuasjhq.jpg

Monday, 6 April 2015

Well Hello and Welcome Everyone

Hi there! Smiley
I just wanted to say Hello to my new followers. 
I take it as such a huge compliment that someone wants to follow me on my blogging journey.
I've recently added an About Me page so you can get to know me a little better.

Don't forget can follow my posts by email and Bloglovin.
You can also follow my twitter feed.

I'm so looking forward to sharing with you all.
Ttfn! Ellie x

Sunday, 22 March 2015

What is Silent Sunday?

There is no specific reason, but I often find just one simple photograph can sum up my week.

The picture alone doesn't need any words because it says all that could be said. Sometimes I find that words can clutter a mind. Sometimes I want to look at a photograph, and make up my own mind about it, what I think about it, rather than what others might think it should be about. Sometimes, we just don’t need the noise of words, sometimes we just want peace and quiet.

I often find pictures all the more interesting without words.

Usually the photograph or picture I'll post will be one of my own, but for today I found this on the internet. Full credit given underneath. So to start the ball rolling, and because it is Sunday after all.
Here is my photograph.

Have a great week!